Japan International Cooperation Agency, Jordan Office

Tourism sector has become one of the key drivers of economic growth in Jordan, In 2018, Tourism revenues surpassed 5 billion USD, which contributed over 11 percent of total GDP of the country.

JICA, the bilateral development cooperation agency under the Government of Japan, has been strongly supporting Jordan’s tourism sector, considering the sector’s great potential to create jobs and promote income generation opportunities.

JICA puts great emphasis on the sustainability of the tourism, as the appropriate conservation of its assets are essential to sustain the benefits of the tourism development, In this regard, JICA had provided Grant Assistance and supported the construction of the new Petra Museum to improve the preservation and exhibition of the artifacts from the region.

We believe that local communities and people play the major roles to cherish and harness historical and cultural resources. Museums can be ideal places for local people to learn more about their own history, nature, and culture, and promote awareness of preserving cultural heritages and intangible assets.

In this sense, the Petra Museums is not a mere venue to display artifacts and objects, but it plays key roles to connect people and communities, and serves as a collective hub.

It is our hope that The Petra Museum Website will serve you to understand more about Petra and its invaluable assets, and lead the conservation of the cultural legacies and sustainable tourism in this region.

April, 2022


Chief Representative